Librti has 4 separate and unique newsfeeds that allow you to customize your experience on Librti. It is important you understand how they are different, so you know which will be best for you to use, depending on what you want to see.

Personal Newsfeed

The personal newsfeed only shows the content of pages, friends and groups you follow or are connected to. This gives you a more refined view of only the posts you have indicated you are interested in.

New Newsfeed

The new newsfeed shows all the newest public posts (in chronological order showing newest first), regardless whether you follow that page or are friends with that person. This is an excellent way to discover new content.

Hot Newsfeed

The hot newsfeed is a great way to view popular posts that are getting views and engagement; a great way to find hot content to engage with and join in the conversations. 

Popular Newsfeed

The popular newsfeed is unique in that it allows you to sort the feed based on either Views or Likes and within a specific time period; today, this week, this month, this year. 

Watch the video for a detailed explanation.