What is an Article:

Articles are meant to provide detailed information on specific topics, which allows the reader to obtain a thorough understanding on what is being presented. These are longer in length than standard posts.

If an article is published with the visibility set to the General Public option, the article can be displayed to anyone on the internet. This is done by supplying the intended recipient with a link to the article. (They do not need to be a member of Librti.com ). 

Articles are not meant for general posts or discussions. If you have a general post, post them into the main area of this site, where you can find them under the “New”, “Hot”, or “Personal” feeds. If you want to join someone in a discussion, use the “Discussions” selection.

To create a new article, use the Articles > Create an Article tab.


On the top of the screen, you will find the options. These are as follows:


Articles > Latest

This option will display the articles based on published times, with the most recent at the top, with featured articles listed first.


Articles > Popular

This option will display the articles based on how popular they are, with the most views displayed first.


Articles > Top

This option will display the articles based on the amount of activity these posts have, such as likes, views, comments, etc. The site uses an algorithm to determine the order of these posts.


Articles > Create an Article

This option will allow you to create an article.

Create a discussion by filling in this form. Enter the desired “Title”, “Category”, and setting the desired “Visibility”.

You can create an article to be visible to the following:

  • General Public ( This option enables this article to be displayed to anyone on the internet. They do not need to be a member of Librti.com )
  • Me Only
  • All Members
  • Friends
  • Selected Friends …
    • (any group you are a member of)
    • (any community you are a member of)

You can enter the content to this article in the “Text” section of this screen. You can also upload  "Videos", "Pictures", "Files", and "Polls" to this article.

You can also “Disable comments” if desired.


Articles > Search

This option will allow you to search for specific articles. You can find articles based on the “Author”, “Title”, “Category”, or “Text”.


Articles > Manage

This option is used to manage your “Articles” content.