What is a Discussion:

Discussions, also referred to as Forums or Boards, provide a platform for people to gather and discuss topics, and interests.

It is also meant to consolidate comments about a topic together so that they can be found easily.

Discussions are not meant for general posts. If you have a general post, post them into the main area of this site, where you can find them under the “New”, “Hot”, or “Personal” feeds.

Feel free to engage with other users in the Discussions. To start a new discussion, use the Discussions > Create a Discussion tab.


On the top of the screen, you will find the options. These are as follows:


Discussions > Latest

This option will display the discussions based on recent posts, whether these are new discussions or comments to these posts. Featured discussions are listed first.


Discussions > New

This option will display the discussions based on the order they were created, with the newest posts first.


Discussions > Top

This option will display the discussions based on the amount of activity these posts have, such as likes, views, comments, etc. The site uses an algorithm to determine the order of these poses.


Discussions > Categories

This option will display the list of categories used on the discussion board. Select the desired category to display all the discussions found in this category.


Discussions > Participated

This option will display the discussions in which you have participated.


Discussions > Create a Discussion

This option will allow you to create a discussion.

Create a discussion by filling in this form. Enter the desired “Topic” name, “Category”, and the “Visibility”.

You can create a discussion to be visible to the following:

  • Me Only
  • All Members
  • Friends
  • Selected Friends …
    • (any group you are a member of)
    • (any community you are a member of)

You can enter the content to this discussion in the “Text” section of this screen. You can also upload “Attachments” to this discussion.


Discussions > Search

This option will allow you to search for specific discussions. You can find discussions based on the “Author”, “Category”, or “Keyword”.


Discussions > Manage

This option is used to manage your “Discussion” content.